


Our Approach

At Cobalt Water Global, developing innovative, holistic, and sustainable water solutions is in our DNA.  The desire to use our water expert knowledge to make a more sustainable water sector gave way to the Total Water approach. 


As a concept, Total Water was coined by Jose Porro (Founder) and was inspired from Total Football (soccer), referring to the versatility of a football player for filling different roles in a match, as needed. Similarly, in Total Water, the same water can serve multiple roles to close water loops and make a city more sustainable.  However, Total Water also implies a holistic approach; therefore, also has meaning on several levels:

Cobalt Water Global brings a diverse skill set with expertise in both drinking water and wastewater systems, for both large and small cities, such that the most critical urban water system problems can be solved. Furthermore, we are water experts who are experts in AI, providing unique value in developing water solutions and connecting the physical with the digital. 

Whether it is treatment, transport, use, and reuse, Cobalt Water Global looks at the whole urban water cycle when developing solutions to predict and solve for how changes in one part of a system, such as water treatment or transport, may impact other parts of the system.  This approach results in an overall best solution in terms of cost, water quality, service levels, efficiency, and positive environmental and climate impact.  

Recognizing the pressures of today’s economic environment, we not only look at the job at hand, but also consider all benefits that can be gained, from cost to sustainability options, and design a holistic approach that fully maximizes investments.

Ultimately, the Total Water approach is intended to break down critical barriers to a sustainable urban water management and development – governance, institutional, financial, innovation, and social barriers.  As water professionals, we need to be prepared, willing, and able to contribute in breaking down each of these barriers.  Cobalt Water Global is only one company, but is prepared, is willing, and is equipped to do its part in achieving sustainable urban water management and development across the globe.